Saturday 30 November 2013

Christmas Markets

Poor Madeleine had a stinky cold, and when I stroked her cheek to wake her to leave at stupid-o'clock, she just nuzzled in deeper to the blankets - a little sweet contented smile flicking across her face.  So when mean Mummy gave her a firmer prod, she roared like a Banshee.  "We have to go Madeleine - we're going on a plane" I told her.  "High in the sky?" she asked, recovering slightly - and so we were off.

Flights to Basel-Mulhouse we took in a Swiss market, the German market at Freiburg and the French market at Colmar, in between heading up to the mountain to have a look at the snow.  It has to be said, the highlights for Madeleine were probably the Christmas Busy Book (a board book with 12 Christmas plastic figures), the light switches in the holiday accommodation (excitingly placed low enough for her to reach) and the roundabout at Freiburg (which she went on alone for the first time - what a grown up girl!).

The low points were most definitely having to give up her bags and her buggy at airport security and in the museum at Colmar.  Madeleine doesn't share!  No, not even with security guards.  "It's MY buggy" she told them defiantly.   

So that's it then - we are into Advent and hurtling towards Christmas.   "Do you want to visit Santa?" I asked her.  "No - he's scary" she insisted.   "Wouldn't you like a present?" I offered.  Apparently she would not.   So that's us told then.

Madeleine was a little big dubious about some of these...  that's the scary witch she remarked quite casually... but the elf with no shoes was a definite no-no...

Miss M was most unimpressed with the snow... and gave her parents withering looks... unfortunately we didn't have a handy sleigh... what a shame...

ooh a Christmas tree... Madeleine said for the umpteen time....

This cake is as close to a Tunnocks Tea cake as you're likely to get, but is apparently a traditional confection of the Alsace region.   Miss M approved.

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